01.04. > 26.04.2024

Open Call : Sounds Like A Book (S)pace residency

Appel à projets

01.04. > 26.04.2024

Sounds Like a Book is exci­ted to announce the launch of the 6th edi­tion of the resi­den­cy pro­gramme entit­led (S)pace, taking place bet­ween the 10th until 25th of Sep­tem­ber, 2024 in Șona, Brașov coun­ty, Roma­nia. The resi­den­cy sup­ports the artis­tic research, the expe­riment and the inter­dis­ci­pli­na­ry focus in the artis­tic prac­tices of emer­ging artists. This year’s broad theme is SPACE, ope­ning the artis­tic research and pro­duc­tion towards the cultu­ral, socio-poli­ti­cal and envi­ron­men­tal layers and towards a vision that goes beyond the oppo­sing pair space-place.


Introducing the theme

This year’s edi­tion calls for various cor­po­real angles and rhythms to research the net­work body-space-sound as it unfolds in the pro­cess of lis­te­ning. Sli­ding through various spe­cies of spaces, tex­tures and bodi­ly pos­tures, the mate­rial condi­tions and the ways we inha­bit a space reveal them­selves as fac­tors sha­ping our sonic per­cep­tion and expe­rience of space. The sonic content car­ries infor­ma­tion and clues about the place one enters, exits or lin­gers in. What kind of data flows through the spaces of Șona, and what do we find out about the vil­lage when we explore it through sound ? What infor­ma­tion do the locals’ sto­ries contain about the spaces of Șona and what images do they build about the present and the near future of the vil­lage ? Employing the sound walk and deep lis­te­ning to approach the space in a slo­wed down rhythm leads to a wide­ning of the sen­so­rial field and the per­cep­tive limits while approa­ching a rural area that hosts this year­ly event.



The resi­den­cy pro­gram consists of 3 work­shops : 1 the­ma­tic intro­duc­to­ry work­shop in 2 chap­ters, 1 sound art work­shop, 1 self-publi­shing work­shop. Along­side these main 3 acti­vi­ties, the resi­den­cy will host 1 lec­ture about expe­ri­ments in self-publi­shing and contem­po­ra­ry art and as well, spon­ta­neous sonic impro­vi­sa­tion ses­sions.

The intro­duc­to­ry work­shop in 2 parts will focus on explo­ring in per­for­ma­tive and alter­na­tive ways the sonic and archi­tec­tu­ral scapes of the vil­lage. Star­dust Archi­tects and the sound artists Andreea Vlă­duț and Cyrill Lim will conceive and hold the acti­vi­ties.

The Sound Art Work­shop, coor­di­na­ted by Lukas Jakob Löcker, will intro­duce key sound art concepts and tools use­ful in the research and wor­king pro­cess. During the Self-Publi­shing Desi­gn Work­shop, held by the Gra­pho­mat desi­gn stu­dio, the artists in resi­den­cy will deve­lop the visual aspect for the sound mate­rial, employing sui­table concepts and tools in the fields of self-publi­shing.

Along­side the work­shops, the resi­den­cy will host a lec­ture on expe­ri­men­tal self-publi­shing and contem­po­ra­ry art held by Mia Ćuk, part of Foot­note Bel­grade, an inde­pendent stu­dio loca­ted in Bel­grade, Ser­bia.



Gra­pho­mat is an inter­dis­ci­pli­na­ry desi­gn stu­dio based in Bucha­rest, crea­ted by Andreea Popes­cu, Mihai Popes­cu and Andra Pavel.

Lukas Jakob Löcker mul­ti­me­dia artist, is cur­rent­ly conduc­ting his artis­tic research on sound sys­tem culture and musique concrète & acous­ma­tique.

Andreea Vlă­duț mul­ti­me­dia artist, gra­dua­ted from Time-based Media – Kuns­tu­ni­ver­sität Linz, where she spe­cia­li­zed in elec­tro­nic music, audio-video ins­tal­la­tions, and per­for­mance art.

Cyrill Lim is an artist and com­po­ser active in Zug (Swit­zer­land) and Ber­lin (Ger­ma­ny). His artis­tic pro­jects lie at the inter­sec­tion of music, art, thea­ter and research.

Star­dust Archi­tects

Anca Nechi­ta-Cioa­rec and Brîn­dușa Tudor co-foun­ded Star­dust Archi­tects toge­ther in 2011. Their inter­ests focus on ques­tio­ning the cur­rent forms of archi­tec­tu­ral edu­ca­tion, prac­tice and dis­se­mi­na­tion, for­mu­la­ting and tes­ting alter­na­tive ways.

Foot­note Bel­grade – cen­ter for image and text – is an inde­pendent stu­dio loca­ted in Bel­grade, Ser­bia, concer­ned with gene­ra­ting a space for expe­riment, research and pro­duc­tion in the field of visual art and publi­shing.


Please Note


Appli­ca­tions from Roma­nian and inter­na­tio­nal crea­tive wor­kers at an ear­ly stage of their career as well as final-year stu­dents will be consi­de­red. There is no age limit or geo­gra­phi­cal cri­te­ria. Can­di­dates must be fluent in English.

It is recom­men­ded to have expe­rience in Desk­top publi­shing soft­ware, but it is not man­da­to­ry. Pre­vious know­ledge of wor­king with sound or prin­ting expe­rience is not requi­red.


Application details

Open Call : 01 – 26.04.2024

Dead­line : 26.04.2024, 23:59 CTM

Results : end of May

To apply please fill in the online appli­ca­tion here :


For any ques­tions, please write to : soundslikeabook@gmail.com 


Sounds Like a Book Friends

The resi­den­cy pro­ject is co-finan­ced by AFCN.

The pro­gramme does not neces­sa­ri­ly represent the posi­tion of The Admi­nis­tra­tion of the Natio­nal Cultu­ral Fund. AFCN is not res­pon­sible for the content of the appli­ca­tion or the way the pro­gram results can be used. These are enti­re­ly the res­pon­si­bi­li­ty of the bene­fi­cia­ry of the fun­ding.

With the sup­port of our Sounds Like a Book Friends : Fun­dația Ște­fan Câlția, Gale­ria Posi­bilă, Gra­pho­mat, Time Based Media – Kuns­tu­ni­ver­sität Linz, Freier Rund­funk Oberös­ter­reich GmbH – Radio FrO, Back­lab Col­lec­tive, Foru­mul Cultu­ral Aus­triac, Radio Româ­nia Cultu­ral, Revis­ta Arta, Sit+Read, res radio, THE INSTITUTE