Deadline for applications: 30 April 2023

Open Call – International Colloquium on Sonic Ecologies

Appel à projets

Deadline for applications: 30 April 2023

Inter­na­tio­nal Col­lo­quium on Sonic Eco­lo­gies
Orga­ni­zed by Moho­ly-Nagy Uni­ver­si­ty of Art and Desi­gn Buda­pest (MOME)

Novem­ber 22 to 25th, 2023


Scien­tists, phi­lo­so­phers, poli­ti­cians, acti­vists, the media, and some in the artist com­mu­ni­ties, have recent­ly arti­cu­la­ted the pos­sible dys­to­pian tra­jec­to­ry we are now ente­ring, inclu­ding various grim deve­lop­ments in the (sound)scapes of the world. A new term has been pro­po­sed : eco­cide, mea­ning “unlaw­ful or wan­ton acts com­mit­ted with know­ledge that there is a sub­stan­tial like­li­hood of severe and either wides­pread or long-term damage to the envi­ron­ment being cau­sed by those acts,” as defi­ned by the Inde­pendent Expert Panel for the Legal Defi­ni­tion of Eco­cide in June 2021).

Acous­tic envi­ron­ments emerge through the com­plex acti­vi­ties of bio­lo­gi­cal, anthro­po­ge­nic and geo­phy­si­cal pro­cesses. Lis­te­ning, as oppo­sed to hea­ring, is a conscious act, a prac­tice of atten­tive sen­sing, noti­cing and tuning-in. The cur­rent shift of envi­ron­men­tal, eco­no­mic, poli­ti­cal, tech­ni­cal and cultu­ral cli­mates trans­forms a whole range of lis­te­ning prac­tices. By paying atten­tion to the prac­tice of lis­te­ning (to sound­scapes, but not exclu­si­ve­ly), rather than focu­sing mere­ly on the visual aspects and qua­li­ties of the envi­ron­ment, we assume that the lis­te­ner can attain dif­ferent kinds of insights and unders­tan­dings of the sur­roun­ding envi­ron­ment. For example, through lis­te­ning we might be able to observe and unders­tand more details about the rela­tions bet­ween various actors, events and spe­cies, and per­ceive how they change over time. Through lis­te­ning, we might also become more care­ful and cri­ti­cal obser­vers of power rela­tion­ships that orches­trate our sha­red envi­ron­ments and our own entan­gle­ment within them.

How can we escape from lis­te­ning para­digms that are based on expan­sive, colo­nial, violent and extrac­tio­nist approaches ? What can we learn from cur­rent ethi­cal and poli­ti­cal appli­ca­tions of Acous­tic Eco­lo­gy, acous­tic anthro­po­lo­gy, and bio­acous­tics ? What can we, as sound artists, scho­lars, acti­vists and lis­te­ners, do beyond sim­ply wit­nes­sing ano­ther wave of reports on decli­ning bio­di­ver­si­ty and the ongoing col­lapse of our planet’s sys­tems ? How can this ever more tan­gible and mul­ti-sen­so­ry expe­rience on a pla­ne­ta­ry scale be addres­sed on a local and col­lec­tive level, beyond the act of lis­te­ning ?

The impor­tance of envi­ron­men­tal issues, espe­cial­ly as they relate to sound pol­lu­tion in Cen­tral Europe, in coun­tries like Hun­ga­ry, Poland, the Czech Repu­blic, Slo­va­kia, and Aus­tria, has for a long time been over­loo­ked. In 2018, the Cen­tral Euro­pean Net­work for Sonic Eco­lo­gies (CENSE) was esta­bli­shed during an inter­na­tio­nal confe­rence held in Buda­pest. Since then, two fur­ther confe­rences have taken place, one in the Czech Repu­blic (Mur­mu­rans Mun­dus), 2019 and one in Poland (The Second Life Of Recor­ded Sounds), 2020.

The pro­po­sed gathe­ring in Buda­pest would be the fourth event connec­ted to the CENSE net­work and would signal its return to Buda­pest. The Moho­ly-Nagy Uni­ver­si­ty of Art and Desi­gn Buda­pest (MOME), the orga­ni­zer and venue of the plan­ned 2023 confe­rence, is an ins­ti­tu­tion that sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly addresses issues of envi­ron­men­tal sus­tai­na­bi­li­ty.

The aim of the col­lo­quium is to pro­vide a trans­dis­ci­pli­na­ry forum for the achie­ve­ments in recent years and to fos­ter fur­ther exchanges, com­mu­ni­ca­tion and net­wor­king during the years to come. We would like to pay spe­cial atten­tion to the region of Cen­tral Europe, but the geo­po­li­ti­cal range of its sub­jects remains open to the broa­der world.

In par­ti­cu­lar, we are loo­king for topics that address the poten­tial of sonic eco­lo­gy in these areas :

  • Cultures and spec­tra of lis­te­ning : the conver­gence of art, science and tech­no­lo­gy in sonic eco­sys­tems
  • Lis­te­ning across, within and beyond dis­ci­plines
  • New and nee­ded audiences for sound-rela­ted art and scho­lar­ship
  • Sound poli­tics : lear­ning from lis­te­ning to the anthro­po­cene
  • The peda­go­gy of lis­te­ning / alter­na­tive lis­te­ning peda­go­gies and anti-peda­go­gies
  • How to lis­ten in other-than-human sonic envi­ron­ments (ecoa­cous­tics and bio­acous­tics)
  • Urban envi­ron­ments : sonic archi­tec­ture and urban plan­ning
  • Social envi­ron­ments : inequa­li­ty, dis­cri­mi­na­tion, and social jus­tice
  • The rela­tion­ship bet­ween lis­te­ning and envi­ron­men­tal acti­vism


We wel­come pro­po­sals for papers, research reports, art­works, sound walks, work­shops. We encou­rage appli­ca­tions as well from uni­ver­si­ty stu­dents, ear­ly career and non-aca­de­mic appli­cants.

Please send us an abs­tract of max 300 words, inclu­ding the for­mat of pre­sen­ta­tion. For the sound, max 200 words and a sample.

Dead­line for appli­ca­tions : 30 April 2023. If you have an idea or pro­po­sal, please contact the confe­rence chair on


Main orga­ni­za­tion : Moho­ly-Nagy Uni­ver­si­ty of Art and Desi­gn Buda­pest (MOME).

Chair : Csa­ba Hajnóc­zy.

Cen­tral Euro­pean Net­work for Sonic Eco­lo­gies (CENSE)

Advi­so­ry board : Jacek Smo­li­cki, Miloš Vojtě­chovský, Anna Kvíča­lová

Csa­ba Hajnóc­zy is a musi­cian, com­po­ser, musi­co­lo­gist, and tea­cher at Moho­ly-Nagy Uni­ver­si­ty of Art and Desi­gn Buda­pest, living and wor­king in Buda­pest. He was the main ini­tia­tor and orga­ni­zer of the CESSE – Confe­rence #1. His artis­tic inter­est is field recor­ding based com­po­si­tion and the use of spa­tial sound sys­tems. Since 2013 he has given nume­rous talks and work­shops in the field of acous­tic eco­lo­gy, inclu­ding sound­walks, in Hun­ga­ry, Poland, Bel­gium, Tur­key. Csa­ba par­ti­ci­pa­ted in the Archi­tec­ture and Senses in Pla­sy, 2017 and in all fol­lo­wing CENSE events. He lives in Buda­pest.

Jacek Smo­li­cki is an inter­dis­ci­pli­na­ry artist, desi­gner, resear­cher and edu­ca­tor. His work explores his­to­ri­cal, cri­ti­cal and exis­ten­tial dimen­sions of lis­te­ning, recor­ding, and archi­ving prac­tices in human and more-than-human realms. His work takes the form of sound­walks, sound­scape com­po­si­tions, diverse forms of wri­ting, expe­ri­men­tal archives, and audio-visual ins­tal­la­tions. He has per­for­med, publi­shed and exhi­bi­ted inter­na­tio­nal­ly and in 2019 co-foun­ded the Wal­king Fes­ti­val of Sound. He holds a PhD in Media and Com­mu­ni­ca­tions from Malmö University.and is cur­rent­ly an inter­na­tio­nal post­doc at Linkö­ping Uni­ver­si­ty with guest affi­lia­tions at Simon Fra­ser Uni­ver­si­ty in Van­cou­ver, Har­vard Uni­ver­si­ty and Upp­sa­la Uni­ver­si­ty.

Miloš Vojtě­chovský is a cura­tor, art his­to­rian, and audio­vi­sual artist and foun­der of the Cen­ter for Meta­me­dia in Pla­sy Monas­te­ry. Toge­ther with Peter Cusack star­ted up the ongoing pro­ject Favou­rite Sounds of Prague. He cura­ted the Czech sec­tion in the inter­na­tio­nal net­wor­king pro­ject Soun­dex­change and co-cura­ted the sym­po­sium and fes­ti­val vs. Inter­pre­ta­tion held in Prague, by the Agos­to Foun­da­tion and the Fron­tiers of Soli­tude pro­ject. Other pro­jects include : Sound­worms Eco­lo­gy Gathe­ring, 2017, and Archi­tec­ture and the senses, 2018. Miloš is living in Prague.

Anna Kvíča­lová is a his­to­rian of science, reli­gion and the senses. She stu­died in Brno, Amster­dam and Ber­lin ; bet­ween 2013 and 2017 she was a mem­ber of the research group Epis­temes of Modern Acous­tics at the Max Planck Ins­ti­tute for the His­to­ry of Science in Ber­lin. She is the author of Lis­te­ning and Know­ledge in Refor­ma­tion Europe (Pal­grave, 2019) and other texts on sound, hea­ring and acous­tics. Cur­rent­ly she is the lea­der of the research pro­ject The Second Sense : Sound, Hea­ring and Nature in Czech Moder­ni­ty at the Centre for Theo­re­ti­cal Stu­dy (Charles Uni­ver­si­ty & the Czech Aca­de­my of Sciences) in Prague.

(We reco­gnize that COVID is still an active issue and will update par­ti­ci­pants with any changes that may occur. While the col­lo­quium is plan­ned as an in-per­son event, we are hoping to make as much of it as pos­sible acces­sible remo­te­ly as well.)