Deadline for submissions: 1st May, 2023

Open Call for Sound & Radio Works – Radiophrenia

Appel à projets

Deadline for submissions: 1st May, 2023

Radio­phre­nia announce an open call for sound and trans­mis­sion art­works for their upco­ming broad­casts begin­ning in August 2023. Radio­phre­nia is an artist run FM radio sta­tion broad­cas­ting in Glas­gow and online.

We are see­king sound­scapes, spo­ken word pieces, radio expe­ri­ments, found sound, inno­va­tive approaches to dra­ma and docu­men­ta­ry, and radi­cal and chal­len­ging new pro­gramme ideas. The sta­tion will be hou­sed in Glasgow’s Centre for Contem­po­ra­ry Arts with a broad­cast sche­dule inclu­ding live shows, pre-recor­ded fea­tures and a series of in-stu­dio per­for­mances.

Radio­phre­nia aims to pro­mote the medium of radio as an art form and encou­rage expe­ri­men­tal approaches to making radio that are not cate­red for by mains­tream sta­tions. We want to hear from radio makers who are see­king a plat­form for their work to reach new audiences. The call is open to artists, musi­cians and pro­du­cers at any career stage. It is inten­ded pri­ma­ri­ly for exis­ting works. Local artists may also pro­pose live shows or per­for­mances that will take place in the stu­dio. Please note that there are no fees avai­lable for selec­ted works.

We are able to pro­gramme works of any dura­tion from shorts to full length fea­tures and long­form works. Howe­ver shor­ter works will be com­pi­led into lon­ger shows.

Please note that this pro­ject is inten­ded to fea­ture mate­rial and approaches that are not alrea­dy cate­red for by mains­tream pro­gram­ming. We are the­re­fore unli­ke­ly to consi­der DJ mixes, music shows or other conven­tio­nal genres unless there is a clear and dis­tinc­tive concep­tual basis that dif­fe­ren­tiates them from broad­cas­ting avai­lable elsew­here.


How to submit

All radio works and pro­gramme ideas should be sub­mit­ted either as com­ple­ted pieces (for exis­ting works) or as a writ­ten pro­po­sal (for live shows). Not all sub­mis­sions or pro­po­sed works will be accep­ted. Prio­ri­ty will be given to works that are crea­ted espe­cial­ly for the medium of radio, that demons­trate ori­gi­na­li­ty, a spi­rit of expe­ri­men­ta­tion and that play to the medium’s unique attri­butes as a means of dis­se­mi­na­ting ideas.

Audio sub­mis­sions should be sent via a free online file sen­ding ser­vice such as Wetrans­fer. Down­loa­dable links to Sound­cloud files are also accep­table. Please do not send audio files as email attach­ments. The pre­fer­red audio for­mat for sub­mis­sions is high qua­li­ty 44.1kHz MP3s (256kbps or higher). Please send links to

Please include with each sub­mis­sion : the title and a short synop­sis of the work (100 words max), a brief bio­gra­phy (100 words max), web links and your name and contact details. Texts any lon­ger than this will not fit our lis­tings. Please send atta­ched as a Word doc or Rich Text file ideal­ly. Please do not send PDFs.

Dead­line for sub­mis­sions : 1st May, 2023
Broad­casts will take place from 21st August – 3rd Sep­tem­ber 2023