DEADLINE : 23/05/2023

Karl Sczuka Prize for works of radio art

Appel à projets

DEADLINE : 23/05/2023

The Karl Sczuka Prize is awarded for the 62nd time
Award ceremony as part of the Donaueschingen Festival


The Karl Sczu­ka Prize for Works of Radio Art, esta­bli­shed by the SWR in 1955, will be awar­ded this year for the 62nd time. The invi­ta­tion to sub­mit works is public and the award consists of a main prize, endo­wed with 12,500 euros, and a sup­port grant of 2,500 euros. Asso­cia­ted with the sup­port grant is the pos­si­bi­li­ty of car­rying out a two-week pro­duc­tion in a Süd­wes­trund­funk radio play stu­dio. Accor­ding to the regu­la­tions gover­ning the prize, the award is made for “the best pro­duc­tion of a work of radio art using musi­cal mate­rial and struc­tures in an acous­tic per­for­mance”. An inde­pendent jury, consis­ting of Olaf Nico­lai (chair), Inke Arns, Julia Cloot, Michael Grote and Tho­mas Mei­necke, will select the prize win­ners.

The prize is open to authors, com­po­sers, direc­tors, and pro­duc­tion teams. They must sub­mit their pro­duc­tions to the Süd­wes­trund­funk in the form of an audio file rea­dy for broad­cast toge­ther with the requi­red docu­men­ta­tion and entry form (acces­sible at by 23 May 2023. The pro­du­cer can sub­mit the entry on behalf of the ori­gi­na­tor. If the first broad­cast or publi­ca­tion on a sound sto­rage medium or online has alrea­dy taken place, its date must not lie before 1 June 2022. Works not yet broad­cast are also wel­come.

In connec­tion with the Karl Sczu­ka Prize pre­sen­ta­tion, the “Karl Sczu­ka Research Grant in coope­ra­tion with the Goethe-Ins­ti­tut” is awar­ded as an addi­tio­nal prize joint­ly by SWR and the Goethe-Ins­ti­tut. The aim of the Research Grant, which is endo­wed with 5,000 euros, is to sup­port the research phase for inter­na­tio­nal radio art pro­jects, which is often only pos­sible under rudi­men­ta­ry condi­tions. It offers the pos­si­bi­li­ty of a research stay in a non-Ger­man-spea­king coun­try. The Research Grant, awar­ded annual­ly, is aimed at artists who work in the field of acous­tic and time-based art (audio, per­for­mance, and sound artists) that deal with nar­ra­tive, tech­ni­cal and artis­tic pos­si­bi­li­ties of the radio medium and are active in Ger­ma­ny.

The award cere­mo­ny of the Karl Sczu­ka Prize and the “Karl Sczu­ka Research Grant in coope­ra­tion with the Goethe-Ins­ti­tut” will take place during the Donaues­chin­gen Fes­ti­val.

The regu­la­tions set­ting out all the condi­tions gover­ning the sub­mis­sion of entries are avai­lable in Ger­man and English. They can be acces­sed online at :

Here you can down­load the appli­ca­tion form as a PDF docu­ment.

You can find it also at The appli­ca­tion form should be addres­sed to You will then receive by e‑mail the autho­ri­sa­tion of a net­work fol­der to which you can trans­fer the requi­red docu­ments (audio file, manus­cript, bio­gra­phy, cata­logue rai­son­né, pho­to).

If you have any ques­tions, please contact the secre­ta­riat of the Karl Sczu­ka Prize at :
More info here