Deadline 17.05.24

International Call For Entries : In The Dark London & Transmission Roundhouse

Appel à projets

Inter­na­tio­nal Call For Entries ! In The Dark Lon­don and Trans­mis­sion Round­house are tea­ming up once again to bring you “What’s New?” — a cura­tion of audio works from new pro­du­cers, or esta­bli­shed pro­du­cers expe­ri­men­ting with new styles !

– Any lan­guages are wel­come, but please pro­vide an English trans­cript for non-English works.
– All genres and styles are wel­come, from sound art to nar­ra­tive sto­ry­tel­ling to fic­tion — any­thing as long as it’s audio ! But note, this is an oppor­tu­ni­ty for crea­tive audio so we are unli­ke­ly to select pure inter­views or “chat­casts”.
– You can sub­mit work that was pro­du­ced in any year so long as you cur­rent­ly feel new. Works can be publi­shed or unpu­bli­shed.
– One work up to 15 minutes, and up to three under 5 minutes.

The dead­line for sub­mis­sions is Fri­day 17th May, 11:59 pm BST.

More info here.